Friday, May 23, 2014

Testing Recovery

In the last post I introduced the problem area of what and how to test applications that use akka-persistence for persisting their state. I demonstrated the first important test verifying that the custom serializers for the messages to be persisted are actually used. This second part is about testing the successful recovery of the application state after a restart.

Testing Recovery

To test recovery we basically have to execute the following steps:

  • start the application (with an empty journal)
  • modify the application's state by sending corresponding commands
  • stop the application
  • restart the application
  • verify the application's state by queries

While it sounds a little bit odd to start, stop and restart an application in a unit test, with the ItemApplicationFixture that we have seen in the last post it is actually not a big deal. Let's have another quick look at the central method: withApplication

 1   def withApplication[A](persistDir: File)(block: TestApplication => A) = {
 2     val tmpDirPersistenceConfig = ConfigFactory.parseMap(
 3       Map(JournalDirConfig -> new File(persistDir, "journal").getPath,
 4         NativeLevelDbConfig -> false.toString,
 5         SnapshotDirConfig -> new File(persistDir, "snapshots").getPath)
 6         .asJava)
 7     val application = newItemApplication(tmpDirPersistenceConfig)
 8     ultimately(application.shutdown())(block(application))
 9   }
11   def newItemApplication(config: Config) =
12     new ItemApplication(config) with ItemApplicationTestExtensions

As you can see it takes a temporary folder (where journals and snapshots are stored) as one argument (persistDir) and test-code (block) as second argument. The application is started (line 7), the test is executed and in any case (failure or success) the application is shut down (line 8).

Armed with this we can pretty easily start, stop and restart the application in a test, like follows:

 1         val created = withApplication(persistDir) { application =>
 2           application.itemServiceTestExtension.createNewItem()
 3         }
 4         withApplication(persistDir) { application =>
 5           application.itemServiceTestExtension.findItem( should be (
 6               Some(created))
 7         }

This test starts the application (line 1), creates a new item (line 2) and shuts the application down by ending the block. Immediately after that it is restarted (line 4). As the directory for storing the journal is the same as before (persistDir) this should recover the state of the application from the previously written journal such that the following findItem successfully returns the item created before (line 5-6).

The application that is passed to the block is extended with some convenience functions (like itemServiceTestExtension) and also with a wrapper for the ItemService that eases invoking item-commands by waiting for the returned Futures. Let's have a quick look at createNewItem:

1   def createNewItem(template: ItemTemplate = newItemTemplate()): Item =
2     successOf(service.create(template))

And the implementation of successOf looks like follows:

1   def resultOf[A](future: Future[A]): A = Await.result(future, timeoutDuration)
3   def successOf[A](future: Future[Try[A]]): A = successOf(resultOf(future))
5   def successOf[A](result: Try[A]): A = result.get

Factoring out this kind of code required to handle the Future or Try avoids polluting the test details that do not contribute to the documentation aspect of the test, as the test does not test the creation of new items, but rather just the proper recovery.

Similar tests exist for verifying that an update is recovered successfully:

 1         val updated = withApplication(persistDir) { application =>
 2           val service = application.itemServiceTestExtension
 4           service.updateItem(service.createNewItem())
 5         }
 6         withApplication(persistDir) { application =>
 7           application.itemServiceTestExtension.findItem( should be (
 8               Some(updated))
 9         }

or a delete:

 1         val deleted = withApplication(persistDir) { application =>
 2           val service = application.itemServiceTestExtension
 4           service.deleteItem(service.createNewItem().id)
 5         }
 6         withApplication(persistDir) { application =>
 7           application.itemServiceTestExtension.findItem( should be (
 8               None)
 9         }

We can easily verify that these tests are actually significant by introducing a bug in our code. For example, if we forget to wrap the UpdateItem command in a Persistent when we send it in ItemService:

1   def update(item: Item): Future[Try[Item]] =
2     (itemActor ? UpdateItem(item)).mapTo[Try[Item]]

as well as when we receive it in ItemActor:

1     case UpdateItem(item: Item) =>

the corresponding test fails with:

Some(Item(1,2 - description)) was not equal to Some(Item(1,3 - description))

This completes the tests for application-state recovery from the journal after a restart. What we still do not know is, if the application state can also be recovered from a snapshot. We will have a closer look into this in the next blog-post.

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